Food First Therapy may be beneficial if your child:

  • Is very selective or a fussy eater Limited or restricted intake (<15-20 foods)

  • Obsessive and compulsive eating behaviour

  • Has excessive or poor weight gain

  • Ongoing reduced appetite/food intake

  • Chewing and swallowing food difficulties

  • Takes more than 30 minutes to eat meals

  • Spits out food, chokes, vomits or gags when eating

  • Has ongoing bloating, constipation or diarrhoea

  • Has food or drink coming out of their nose when eating

  • Has difficulty transitioning from purees to solids by 12 months of age

  • Difficulty self-feeding (e.g. using spoon/fork) by 24 months of age

  • Aversion or avoidance of specific colours, textures or food groups

  • Follows a special diet (e.g. thickened fluids, texture modified)

  • Experiences meltdowns or cries during mealtimes

  • Eating non-food items (e.g. dirt, grass, paper)

  • Distressful family mealtimes

Discover more about your child's eating habits and preferences.

Complete our Picky Eater vs. Problem Feeder Quiz to gain valuable insights and tailor the right support for their needs.